Misa Natal KMKI Bayern 2022

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As Christmas day approached on the last month of another Covid-19 ridden year, expectations were high, as people were desperately looking forward to the festive season to cheer themselves up after another tough year.

Despite all this, it did not stop KMKI Bayern from celebrating this very special ocassion. This time KMKI Bayern decided to celebrate Christmas by holding a mass on the 2nd of January, which had to be done due to concerns about corona and the safety of its people. The mass, led by Father Riki, was also enlivened by a debut performance by KMKI Bayern’s very own choir group! The performance brought a cheerful and festive atmosphere to the beautifully decorated St. Ursula church. There was also a huge Christmas tree on the right side of the altar, shimmering with warm, bright Christmas lights, shining upon the joyful faces of all the people in the church. You could almost forget that it was already January, as the “Weihnachtsstimmung” was so intense on that day!

Subsequently after the mass, people started posing in front of the splendid Christmas tree and taking pictures. Before exiting the church, each and every one was given a small parcel of indonesian cookies presented by KMKI Bayern’s cooking committee to bring home with them, as a get-together was unfortunately not possible due to the circumstances concerning corona. Nonetheless, it was an eventful evening, filled with glee and hope.