Misa & Spielabend

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Approaching the end of November 2021, KMKI Bayern decided to hold its first ever game night or more often called “Spieleabend”. It was held right after our now almost weekly Sunday mass at the KHG LMU. The mass went smoothly and harmoniously, led by Father Altus.

The theme of the game night was karaoke. Participants were divided into groups, where they have to guess names of old, nostalgic songs, their artists, and the lyrics to these songs. A song would be played and when it’s stopped participants would have to continue singing the song. If they got the lyrics right, their team would be rewarded with points. The team with the most points was the winner, receiving a very special prize presented by KMKI Bayern’s work committee.

After the game night dinner was also served! The menu for that night was a classic indonesian dish loved by many, known as ketoprak. The room was buzzing with people chatting, laughing, excited to dive into their meals while catching up with the community.

Various board games were also played on that night, further emphasizing the “game” aspect in Spieleabend.

Overall it was a great night for KMKI Bayern’s flock, where we all got together to talk, eat, play, and attend mass. All of this, of course, under the strict guidelines of the 3G-rule.